How to Catch Eel in Stardew Valley

How to Catch Eel in Stardew Valley


One of the challenging and elusive fish to catch in Stardew Valley is the Eel. This guide will provide you with tips and techniques to increase your chances of catching this slippery fish.


To catch an Eel, you will need to have the following:

  • Fishing rod
  • Bait or tackle
  • Access to the ocean or rivers during rainy or snowy weather

Location and Seasons

Eels can be found in two locations:

  1. Ocean: Eels can be caught in the ocean during all seasons, except winter.
  2. River: Eels can also be found in the river located on the eastern side of the map. Make sure to visit during the rainy or snowy weather, as Eels are only available during these conditions.

Fishing Techniques

To increase your chances of catching an Eel, follow these fishing techniques:

  1. Equip your fishing rod and make sure it has bait or tackle attached.
  2. Visit the desired location – ocean or river, depending on the season.
  3. Cast your line into the water and wait for a bite. Eels are more active during the morning and evening hours.
  4. Keep a close eye on the fishing minigame. Eels are known for their quick and unpredictable movements, so be prepared for sudden changes in direction.
  5. Try to maintain tension by keeping the fish within the green area of the fishing bar. This will prevent the fish from escaping.
  6. As you reel in the Eel, be extra careful and adjust your reeling speed to counter its erratic behavior.

Eel Uses

Eels can be used in various ways once caught:

  • Gifts: Eels can be given as gifts to increase your relationship points with certain villagers.
  • Cooking: Eels can be used as ingredients in various recipes, such as Maki Rolls or Sashimi.
  • Bundles: Eels are required for completing certain bundles in the Community Center.


With the right fishing techniques and knowledge of their locations, you can successfully catch Eels in Stardew Valley. Good luck with your fishing adventures!

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